Winlive Karaoke Mobile (Android)

Karaoke app multiplayer for midi kar mp3 and wave

Code 844

Winlive Karaoke Mobile (Android)

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Karaoke app multiplayer for midi kar mp3 and wave

The first karaoke App for Android devoloped by ProMusicSoftware

Some features:
-Fast start of Midi and Kar with key transpose management
-Reading Mp3 and Wave with key transpose management
-Show Karaoke for Midi,Kar and Mp3 !(when files containing it)
-Possibility of clear Karaoke Fullscreen in 2 or 4 lines
-Mixer with volume editor and instrument name for midifiles
-Management of a SongList with possibility to book next song
-Fast search in a SongList or search for first letter
-File Browser to find a file in your device or setting a folder for SongList
-Searching a midi file on web (intelligent Google Search)
-Many Options for customize your app
-A 16Mb midi GM+ bank approved by ProMusicSoftware laboratories
-A great variety of compatible karaoke format for midi and Mp3
NB : This app do not contains file but it's compatibile with all .mid .kar .mp3 .wav files





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Info & Orders: +39 392 5684104


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